Monday, June 18, 2012

The Cross

A few weeks ago, I stumbled across the devotional called Girlfriends In God.  It has quickly become one of my favorites.  Today's devotional is titled, "God's Gift To You."  It speaks specifically of the cross and the meaning behind it's symbolism, but it also speaks of those little gifts--you know, the ones where you know God is being mindful of you during that moment.  At the end of each devotional, there is a "Now It's Your Turn" section where the author gives you a few questions to think about. 

What does the cross mean to you?
The cross is a sign of hope to me.  It lets me know that I have Someone who will always have my best interest at heart.  It gives me hope in something--or Someone--who is greater than anything my mind can comprehend.  It gives me hope that I will see my loved ones again in paradise. 

Also, the cross serves as a reminder of Jesus' crucifixion and the terrible beating that He took to erase my sins.  It reminds me that this world is not the end, nor will it compare to the riches and goodness waiting for me.  It reminds me of how the earth once turned their backs on a loving God and how He chose to love/forgive them anyway.   

Lastly, the cross means that I can now have eternal life.  It means I have something tangible--an outward testament--to something I believe.  It says to the world, "I believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God."  It says to me, "He loved me this much!"   

How would you explain that to someone who doesn't know Christ?
I would explain what the cross means to me using God's Word.  I would begin by telling someone the Easter Story.  I would begin by telling them of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  I would tell the person that despite the beating and injuries Jesus was sustaining, He still carried this cross on His beaten, bleeding shoulders up the hill to cavalry.  I will tell them that although He died hanging on the cross, that the story just begins here.  I would tell them that on the 3rd day He rose again and lives today. 

Why is the message of the cross called the power of God?
In my opinion, the message of the cross is the power of God because it finally gives truth to all of the warnings Jesus had given us.  While Jesus was sent to earth in the likeness of man, He preached many times of that He had come to give God glory and give us life.  Because He died on the cross and rose again, we have eternal life in the presence of God.

Have you ever felt that God placed something right before you as a special gift or reminder of His presence?
My children are an everyday reminder of God's goodness and how He chooses to bless us despite our many flaws.  My husband--and how God could have created someone so perfect for my life and just knowing God was being mindful of me when he created Kyle--blows me away.  God continually puts small blessings or reminders in front of me that sometimes I see and sometimes I miss.  Its up to us to be as mindful of Him as He is of us.  This is something that I really need to work on, and perhaps I'll join in on the 1000s blessings that many of you are doing.  I know all good things come from God.  He's here--everywhere!  I just need to be more focused on seeing Him and His presence in my life.

What about you? Now it's your turn... =)

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